The challenge of choice for multipotentials

Multipotentials, how easy is it for you to make choices ? Multipotentials traits You recognize yourself as multipotential if you are interested in multiple topis, are curious of everything, opening everyday more doors in your life. Your need for learning, intellectual challenge, your crazy curiosity, your never ending movment…this is your characteristic and this is the […]
Routine for multipotentials – For the ones who do NOT like routine

About routine and habits From all my readings, it appears that creating new and « good » habits help achieve our objectives. Everyday is a little step to achieve result at the end of the path. It is about clarifying our objectives, establishing a status of our bad habits – or the ones not good […]
Multipotential and resilience

Definition As per Boris Cyrulnik, a well known french psychiatrist, expert on resilience, it is « the capability of a body to resist pressure and to take back its initial form. In pyschologie, resilience is the ability to live, to succeed and to grow despite adversity. » For the multipotentials Second nature. Resilience could be a second […]
Mutipotentials and communication

Communication is the source of any human relationship, and can transform this one in true happiness or calamity. The multipotentials, with his feeling of being different, an impostor, lacking of self esteem, thinking in tree structure, ultra sensitive, is a great candidate for interesting relationship challenges. Regular challenges Lack of listening. While others speak, the […]
Gifted, multipotentials, design your career and make it happen

Is there a special career path for gifted and multipotentials ? Special needs I do think their career path may be specific, given their special traits : high mental, infinite curiosity and passions, challenges managing their emotions and relationships, empathy « size large », running away from boredom like from death, always looking for a work life balance. The […]
Empathy and self-empathy for multipotentials

Multipotentials have usually the following traits in common : curious, (multi)- passionate, fast, connecting what cannot be connected, identifying trends that were unknown until today, they can have as well a great sense of humour, of justice and beauty, an intense search for purpose, and a large empathy. Definition of empathy Empathy is to put oneself […]
Challenges for Gifted or multipotentials at work

Gifted at work. They are always curious, interested in multiple topics, they have has a special way of processing, always very mental, very fast, connecting informations and worlds that even do not exist for others. They understand things without being able to explain them, and they are often right. They strongly value justice, enjoy beauty, […]
Tyranny of personal branding for gifted and multipotentials

Let’s meet again multipotentials and gifted. They are very curious, have diverse interest, passions, they connect everything that can be connected such as ideas, projects, trends, withouth speaking about this intuitive capacity what others cannot perceive or understand. This is the reason why, when starting a job search for instance, multipotentials have to introduce themselves. […]
The « gifted» or « Multipotential » label

I chose to support gifted and multipotentials as I feel aligned with this type of personalities, and I identified I can help them find peace, love themselves, grow in their professional and personal life, « bloom », find their place and better contribute to the word. Interest of tests Following a test and a diagnostic, the gifted […]
How I became a specialist for gifted and multipotentials

Vocation… ? I never had a vocation. When you are interested in almost everything, it is difficult to become a specialist. This is the reason why I chose generalist studies, from bachelor to MBA to continue opening all doors – and note to close any of them of course…one of the multipotential challenge is : […]