High and multipotentials Create your career and make it happen!
Your challenge
You expect
If you do not change anything
Your challenge
- You're bored in your job
- You have several passions
- Your brain never stops, and neither do your emotions
- You procrastinate
- You don't have a career strategy
- You don't fit in
- You don't know where to start
- Vous ne savez pas par où commencer
You expect
- Understand your HP/multipotentials and use them throughout your professional and personal life
- Clarify your vision & goals and turn them into meaningful work
- Create your professional ecosystem to move forward in a structured way
- Make yourself visible to the right people to achieve your goals, dare to shine
- Take action, get out of your head and your ideas
- Be supported
If you do not change anything
- You won't reach your goals
- You'll be at the same point next year
- You won't gain self-confidence
- You could be missing out on your life and only dreaming about it.
- You could isolate yourself
- You could be missing out on success and happiness (according to your own definition).
The proposed solution
Are you ready to get involved, to change the situation because you can't afford to stay in the same situation a few months from now?
Program in 12 sessions, and work to be done between sessions
- Clarify your objective
- Identify your talents and strengths to build on
- Set up your professional ecosystem to focus and achieve concrete results
- Define your plan - so you can adjust throughout your working life
- Communicate - Optimize your linkedin profile to reach the "right" people
- By taking your specific HP needs into account throughout the program.
Contactez-moi pour plus d’information

Your partner
- Spécialiste des HPI et multupotentiels, multi-casquettes validées par les certifications associées, une expérience de plus de 25 ans dans le monde corporate à l’international, et auto-entrepreneuse depuis 7 ans.
- Je suis à la fois créatrice et stratège (confirmé par mes Clifton Strengths), et j’aime également les résultats concrets (je gère des projets stratégiques mondiaux depuis des années).
- Enfin, j’ai une expertise en formation et développement des talents, et également en prise de parole en public.
- A career portfolio, you say?