As per Boris Cyrulnik, a well known french psychiatrist, expert on resilience, it is « the capability of a body to resist pressure and to take back its initial form. In pyschologie, resilience is the ability to live, to succeed and to grow despite adversity. »
For the multipotentials
Second nature. Resilience could be a second nature for the multipotential. We saw it before, he feels different, he has a special way of processing…He already had to adapt to his environment, by nature or necessity ; he has a great experience in the area. This enables him to be specially at ease during change period and transformation.
His capacities. His capacities to think, solve issues, connect ideas or projects in moving uncertain and changing environement is once more an asset when it refers to « develop against adversity ».
Creative, innovative, able to find new solutions, the multipotential is an excellent candidate to resilience.
His sensitivity and intuition helps him as well understand before others the truth about a difficult situation, in chaos, and to adapt himself….and to become a champion and agent of change, who will help others adapt to change.
Reference in the area. We can use as well multipotentials as criteria in an organization, knowing that their level of resilience is high. Observing the number of mumber of multipotentials in leave or in burn out for instance, could be an alarm signal for the rest of the company.
Till where ?
To be resilient is a gift for the multipotential, and for the ones around him, daily or at work. The terminology is pretty trendy in a VUCA environment (Versatile Uncertain Complex Ambigous), employees are pushed to become resilient, it becomes close to an injonction. Being able to adjust whatever happens to any kind of job as per the company needs for instance.
I recommend to the multipotential to continue using his resilience abilities as a gift, and as well to wonder where are his boundaries when necessary : till where to adapt ? When to say no ? When to leave ?
Under the pretexte to be resilient, and to be recognized for this trait, the multipotential could burn out, pushing more and more his limits. A little bit of manipulation and impostor syndrom by a malicious boss or colleague, and the multipotential could find himself in burn/browne/bore out earlier than planned.
Therefore, to use resilience capacities, and as well to know oneself, have worked boundaries for a sane use of it.
How ?
I recommend to the multipotential to work his own alert signals, to know when he is fine and when he is out of his boundaries. He may need the support of people around him or a professional when appropriate, to protect himself.
For you
Do you need support, advice ? You can contact me at